BlueTides Publications


  • Petascale cosmology: simulation of structure formation R. Croft, T. Di Matteo, N. Khandai, Y. Feng, Computing in Science and Engineering, 2015, Volume 17, Issue 2, DOI:10.1109/MCSE.2015.5
  • Sorting At Scale on BlueWaters Y. Feng, M. Straka, R. Croft, T. Di Matteo, 2015, Proceedings of Cray User Group Conference 2015; best paper finalist.
  • MP-Gadget: Gadget with half of million CPUs Y. Feng, T. Di Matteo, R.A.C. Croft, 2015, in prep
  • The formation of Milky Way-mass disk galaxies in the first 500 million years of a cold dark matter universe Y. Feng, T. Di Matteo, R.A.C. Croft, A. Tenneti, S. Bird, N. Battaglia, S. Wilkins, 2015, APJ Letters
  • BlueTides: First galaxies and reionization Y. Feng, T. Di Matteo, R.A.C. Croft, S. Bird, N. Battaglia, S. Wilkins; 2015, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,
  • Monsters in the Dark: Predictions for Luminous Galaxies in the Early Universe from the BlueTides Simulation Waters, Dacen; Wilkins, Stephen; Di Matteo, Tiziana; Feng, Yu; Croft, Ruper; Nagai, Daisuke,
  • The Lyman-continuum photon production efficiency in the high-redshift Universe Wilkins, Stephen M.; Feng, Yu; Di-Matteo, Tiziana; Croft, Rupert; Stanway, Elizabeth R.; Bouwens, Rychard J.; Thomas, Peter, 2016 Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,
  • Forecasts for the WFIRST High Latitude Survey using the BlueTides Simulation Waters, Dacen; Di Matteo, Tiziana; Feng, Yu; Wilkins, Stephen M.; Croft, Rupert A. C. submitted to MNRAS May 13th, 2016
  • The Photometric Properties of Galaxies in the Early Universe Wilkins, Stephen M.; Feng, Yu; Di-Matteo, Tiziana; Croft, Rupert; Stanway, Elizabeth R.; Bunker, Andrew; Waters, Dacen; Lovell, Christopher, accepted in MNRAS


  • Georgia Tech School of Physics, Colloquium, October 2014
  • ‘Simulating the Universe’ Allegheny Observatory Public Talk, Pittsburgh, October 2014
  • ‘Quenching and Quiescence’, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2014
  • ‘The first billion years of galaxies and Black Holes’ Sesto Center for Astrophysics, June 2014
  • LSST DESC collaboration meeting, Computational S2 session Organizer
  • Blue Water Symposium, Illinois, May 2014
  • APS April Meeting, April 2014
  • Aspen Center for Physics, Winter program, Feb 2014
  • Invited Lecturer, ‘Computing the Universe’ Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, January 2015
  • Yale Astronomy Colloquium, February 2015
  • University of Pittsburgh, DESC Theory meeting, April 2015